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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mario Himself!

How I made him:
red baseball cap
small blue pants
red body and arms
white hands
brown, blue, yellow, red, and black sharpies
sticky labels
How to do it:
draw a a face similar to the one shown above with the sharpies. include sideburns and hair at the back of the head.
cut out one of the labels into a small half circle and draw an "M" on it. Put it on the front of the cap.
cut out one of the labels into a lego body shape. draw the overalls on with the sharpies.
Now you have a lego mario!

Toad Villagers

 A royal toad I made up, Toadsworth, and Toadette,
 Two random toads and Toadbert,
And Toad himself!

How I made Them
Sculpy clay
a 1 by 2 white brick
2 studs
any body and arms
a smiley face
(If you don't have a smiley face, use a sharpie and draw one on the backside of a head)

Princess Peach

How to Make Her
A white slanted brick two bricks high
A white body and arms
blue, red, pink, and yellow paint
a girl head
blonde hair
a medium sized white radar dish, gray cylinder, and gray flag pole